8 Luckiest Game Of Thrones Characters

6. Bran

Tyrion Blackwater

You’ll note that on my list so far there is a man with a lifelong genetic quirk that carries a stigma in less enlightened times and a low-born murderer for hire who has to cut throats to make his living. This list is not fixating on the disadvantages of one’s situation, but what these individuals have done with it.

Bran may have been shoved out of a tower window for seeing too much but he has been quite lucky. He may not have been licked awake by cats or pecked awake by a crow but much like his fellow ‘pushed out of a window for seeing too much’ club, he did gain some cool animal related powers.

Being a warg is eerily similar to Burton’s Catwoman or the Crow. This being Westeros, there are all manner of cool beasts to try this on. Bran has lost the use of his legs, but aside from being able to control animals and simpletons, he has been surrounded by people who love him and have believed in him from the start.

His current predicament is a question mark but to have gotten to this point from such a hopeless situation is a sign of much higher purpose. 


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.