8 Luckiest Game Of Thrones Characters

5. Gendry

Tyrion Blackwater

Alright, put the kids to bed. We’re about to talk about the Red Woman.

Aside from the fact that he survived being at the heart of a scandal that got Jon Arryn and Ned Stark killed, aside from the fact that he is an heir to the iron throne and aside from the fact that he escaped torture to join the merry men, Gendry has experienced the red bedding and lived to tell the tale.

The flame haired danger MILF may be the perfect embodiment of a red flag, but this young whipper snapper fell into her trap willingly and was rescued by Davos. He has had a journey truly worthy of a fantasy hero and that is a rare thing in Westeros. Especially for a bastard from King’s Landing.

Gendry is a hopeful prospect and a current wildcard element to the story. His whereabouts are unknown going into season 6 and whatever he is going to do, he should do it fast. That said he’s already survived many threatening situations, largely due to others.

He has the blood of the Crown Stag in his veins and based on his potential to fulfil his destiny or to shirk it for a life of adventure with the Brotherhood; I don’t think his luck is going to run out just yet.


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.