8 Luckiest Game Of Thrones Characters

4. Brienne

Tyrion Blackwater

On the face of it you’d be forgiven for thinking big Brienne is anything but lucky. Born physically different and being fortunate seem to go hand in hand when dealing with George R.R. Martin though and Brienne is another example of a freak who would go on to show them all.

Since besting Loras Tyrel and making it into Renly’s king’s guard, Brienne of Tarth has pretty much failed her way to prominence. Lady Melisandre killed Renly by remote, Locke chopped off Jamie’s hand, Arya slipped past her and Sansa was saved by another after being brutalized. It all looks quite bad, but while a swirl of misfortune surrounds her, Brienne remains in play.

Still looking for the luck? Well you forget that she avoided being charged with Renly’s death, she was rescued from a bear by the man she failed and while failing to keep her promise to a woman she failed twice, Stannis just fell into her lap. She can’t do right, but opportunities abound.

The writers use the Lady of the Sapphire Isle like a book deviation device and loose end remover. This, while at times awesome, keeps her largely safe from being swept off the board. 


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.