8 Luckiest Game Of Thrones Characters

3. Arya Stark

Tyrion Blackwater

This one seems like it would be a hard sell, but when you think about it, the little wolf’s misfortunes are outweighed by the terrible situations she has escaped from or avoided. Is her family dead or scattered? Sure. Has she lost friends? Many. So what makes her so lucky?

Ever since Arya was aided by Syrio Forel to escape the Kingsguard she was escorted further and further away from her one true enemy; the Lion. Yoren spirited her away in what was an ingenious plan to secure her firmly in friendly territory. He was among the first to teach her about how to carry yourself in the big bad world.

She has had several such mentors including Jaqen H'ghar, Anguy the archer and of course Sandor Clegane.  These men taught her things and helped keep her alive long enough to grow strong. She happens into opportunities to scratch names off of her list regularly and because her teachers are good and her backup is strong, she normally finds success.

We left Arya blinded and panicked but she has a few pairs of eyes she is destined to shut forever. It is highly unlikely this is one list that will go uncompleted. 


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.