8 Luckiest Game Of Thrones Characters

2. Jon Snow

Tyrion Blackwater

If ignorance is bliss, this is one blissful motherf***er. You would think Jon Snow’s lack of world experience would cost him more than Arya or Sansa at the Wall, but as luck would have it, his watch began at one of the few points in Westerosi history where the capitol was more dangerous than the wall.

The White Walker advance is agonizingly slow and the internal integrity of the watch unravels slowly enough for Jon to learn a lifetime’s worth of ranger knowledge. He survives capture from the wildlings, gets kissed by fire in a cosy little cave and kills a White Walker with a gifted sword.

Probably the Stark closest to Ned in sensibility and resolve, Jon’s continued presence has caused some great conflict and his ability to emerge squeaky clean from sticky situations resembles one of the few embers of hope for the good guys still burning.

Snow’s good fortune is the most honest to goodness luck in the show and barely out of place if ever. Season 6 is shaping up to be a pretty damn lucky season for the bastard of Winterfell. Resurrection, freedom from vows and yet more luck with the redheads all appear to be on the cards for this know-nothing bastard.   


Eddie is a writer, cinephile, TV fan and wrestling abuse victim from Newcastle. After receiving his film degree in London he returned home to lift boxes in the vein of an 80s montage... It's not as fun as it looks in the films.