8 Reasons The Walking Dead Season 5 Is The Best So Far

3. It Feels More Cinematic

The Walking Dead has always been an interesting series to watch visually, with some great production design and atmospheric direction from its stable of talent. But on several occasions its television roots have been a little too apparent, failing to lift it to the awesome heights we saw at the very beginning. Season 5, however, kicked off with a truly cinematic opening episode which more than matched up to its movie competitors - the sight of hordes of flaming zombies swarming into Terminus as explosions and gunfire sounded off in every direction was certainly worthy of the big screen. This large scale canvas has been matched by the more intimate moments, and even the latest episode Slabtown saw some thoroughly effective use of atmospheric lighting in the halls of the hospital. Obviously the scope for these cinematic flourishes is largely dependent upon the requirements of the script, but it's great to see the canvas - and scale of the action - expanding in scope and ambition.

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