8 Reasons The Walking Dead Season 5 Is The Best So Far

2. The Plot Twists And Turns Are Coming Thick And Fast

Another criticism frequently leveled at previous seasons of The Walking Dead can be found in the plot itself, which sometimes feels poorly constructed and lacking in development. Tied into the pacing issues, this seems to have been completely resolved so far in season 5. Whereas formerly some plot developments would have gradually unfolded to the point that many viewers started to lose interest in what was happening, already in season 5 events are speeding by at a pace that keeps them on the edge of their seats in anticipation of what's going to happen next. We've already had a couple of neat little episode cliffhangers, too, from Bob's capture at the hands of Gareth and the cannibals (followed up with the great twist about the "tainted meat") and the arrival of Carol on a gurney at the hospital in the closing shots of the last episode. The hospital itself was an unexpected turn, potentially opening up a whole new aspect of the storyline. It's easily the most intriguing - and engrossing - first few episodes to any season of The Walking Dead, and hopefullly will go from strength to strength as more episodes come along.

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