1. He's Too Perfect At Times
Despite everything that I just said, it's impossible to not see Daryl Dixon as the most perfect version of a post-apocalyptic, zombie-fighting survivor. He easily outmatches everyone else on the show in terms of being both a fan favorite (he somehow makes Michonne look like chopped liver) and a consistent character that provides a steady presence in an otherwise chaotic (and sometimes very fickle) landscape. That's all well and good if you're one of those people who fears change, but when you're living in a zombie apocalypse, you should not be perfect. You should be the exact opposite of that. But as I mentioned previously, Daryl has a terrible habit of always doing the right thing. He's always the moral center, with an unshakably level-headed worldview. And that, more than anything else, makes Daryl Dixon a Walking Dead character that is perfectly acceptable to hate.