8 Shows To Fill That Mr. Robot Shaped Hole In Your Life

4. Counterpart

Humans Channel 4

We've all thought about what kind of person we might have been had we made different choices in life. We're not even just talking about the major choices. Even the minute ones cause our lives - perhaps even the universe - to divide. Do you order chicken or fish? Take the bus or the train? Turn left or turn right?

Counterpart follows Howard Silk, a low-ranking employee at a federal bureau known as The Office of Interchange - so low-ranking in fact that he has no clue what OI actually do, despite working there for thirty years. Howard discovers that during the Cold War an experiment went awry and created a bridge between his world (Alpha) and another (Prime) and he comes face to face with himself.

Counterpart beautifully illustrates the astounding effect that the seemingly innocuous choices have upon existence. One of the best examples is when Howard Alpha asks Howard Prime what kind of music he likes, to which he says he's never cared for music. You can't help but try and imagine what tiny difference could occur to alter something as fundamental - yet also kind of insignificant - as your taste in music.

The show has a fascinating tone to it, somewhere between Cold War espionage thriller, science fiction, maddening existential drama and who knows how many other genres. It's also headed up by J.K.Simmons who does a fantastic job playing the two Howards - all from his tone of voice to his clothing to his posture. Unfortunately Counterpart was cancelled, with no plans for a third season. Yeah, there's a pattern here. Sorry.


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.