8 Shows To Fill That Mr. Robot Shaped Hole In Your Life

1. Utopia

Humans Channel 4
Channel 4

This absolute gem of a show never got the recognition it deserved at the time and is still woefully under-appreciated to this day.

Utopia follows a bunch of comic book nerds who are all obsessed with a particular graphic novel known as the Utopia Experiments. It's rumoured that this graphic novel holds dangerous secrets regarding a vast, insidious government conspiracy... which turns out to be true. Soon the group finds themselves on the run from a brutal, sociopathic hitman employed by a shadowy branch of the government.

Utopia is a gruesome show and there's very few others that seem to almost revel in such stomach churning violence. Keep the word 'spoon' in mind. However, it also looks absolutely stunning. Director Marc Munden is a fan of Kubrick-esque camera work combined with such a high level of over-saturation that it almost hurts your eyes. The neon-bright, childish colours create a jarring contrast with the ultra-violence. Plus, Cristobal Tapia de Veer's glitchy, wonky score compliment everything perfectly.

Oh, yeah. This got cancelled too, sorry. Fret not though! Amazon have commissioned a remake that should be out this year, hopefully. So... silver linings, eh?


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.