8 Star Trek Scenes That Actors Hated Shooting

3. Doctor Crusher's Weird Ghost Romance

Star Trek The Next Generation Doctor Crusher Sub Rosa

Gates McFadden, who played Doctor Crusher, hated the Next Generation episode Sub Rosa. And so did nearly everyone else.

The episode was ridiculous in so many ways, yet somehow also one of the most boring episodes of Star Trek ever made. Doctor Crusher gets a family heirloom from her recently deceased grandmother. The small, candle-like device then activates when she is alone and releases an alien entity known as Ronin who Crusher... Has romantic relations with. If you can even call it that. The scenes portraying their "intimacy" were hilariously overacted by McFadden, who, of course, realised how profoundly absurd the plot for this episode was.

It gets even worse. Later in the episode, her grandmother's dead body is possessed by Ronin and we learn that this same alien entity has been seducing people in Crusher's family for generations through the candle. The scenes between Crusher and Ronin are awkward, hilarious, and painful to watch, and McFadden has talked often in the past about how laughable she found them at the time.


Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.