8 Star Trek Scenes That Actors Hated Shooting

2. The Holodeck Scenes In The Star Trek: Enterprise Finale

Star Trek The Next Generation Doctor Crusher Sub Rosa
CBS Media Ventures

When Star Trek: Enterprise was cancelled in 2005, the cast, as well as audiences hoped that the show would at least get a good conclusion for some of the main plotlines that were set up over the series.

By the last season, the stories involving the Temporal Cold War, the Xindi War and all of the side stories of the crew were hastily completed. A lot of Enterprise fans say that the early cancellation of the show is what prevented it from ever taking off as much as the other Trek instalments, and claim, if given more time, these plotlines could've been resolved more elegantly.

The final episode made things even worse, particularly the prevalence of Jonathan Frakes, who returns to his role as Riker, watching a historical holodeck program about the end of Archer's journey with the first Enterprise. It's cool to see Riker, Deanna, and the old Enterprise-D again, but having Riker interject with commentary, or just stare at the Enterprise characters as they go through some of the most emotional moments for them in the series, was presumably seen as insulting by Bakula, who never voiced his concern, but according to Brannon Braga, was very displeased by the finale.

Frakes has gone on to say that he believes that his presence in the finale took away from the main cast's moment.


Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.