8 Things Fans Actually Wanted From Game Of Thrones Season 8

6. Cersei Should Have Had A Plan.

Game of Thrones Daenerys

Out of all of the backstabbing and conniving characters that Games of Thrones was riddled with, Cersei Lannister was amongst the worst. Always lurking to the side, she was the quiet manipulator. The one pulling all the strings from the shadows. Forever with a plan at mind and proved by her decimation of the Sept of Baelor, would stop at nothing to get what she wanted.

As the forces of The North and the South gathered on her doorstep, Cersei stood confidently on her balcony. In all fairness, with the walls of King’s Landing littered with the dragon-killing Ballista weapon, you would be sure for at least one arrow to neatly find its way between the scales of Drogon. But due to the nimble flying skills of Daenerys (and the aid of plot convenience) the front defences were obliterated and King’s Landing became the unwilling receiver of some dragon fire. Yet still Cersei lay on top of her perch, with all but a slight quiver on her otherwise steely expression.

Anyone with the slightest inkling towards Cersei’s character would have assumed she had one final trick up her sleeve that would have turned the tables immeasurably. Wildfire planted through the streets? A final hidden Ballista? A new tactic in battling dragons? Sadly not…

To the most catastrophic degree Cersei underestimated her enemies, and for a woman that blew half of King’s Landing to kingdom come, it felt disappointingly uncharacteristic to see the once cunning villain, bubbling as the walls of her castle fell down upon her.


Film, TV and gaming enthusiast hailing from the windy realms of the West of Scotland. Lover of sci-fi and expert in expanding my backlog of video games I’ve yet to complete.