8 Things Fans Actually Wanted From Game Of Thrones Season 8

5. Redemption for Jamie.

Game of Thrones Daenerys

Jamie Lannister was easily one of the more interesting and complex characters of the whole show - being owner to the best and most natural character arc. He was an Oath Breaker, incestuous lover, pompous knight. Yet as his perfect exterior was chipped away, Jamie’s cocky assuredness, made way for something more noble and valiant.

Flash forward to the final season, and fans were prepared to see Jamie finally rid himself of his tyrannical sister, Cersei, and solidify his status as an honourable man. Yet writers D.B. Weiss and David Benioff had something else in mind. Jamie abandoned his people and died comforting his sister, seemingly reverting to his ways of old.

While certainly a subversion of expectations, Jamie’s end felt detrimental to everything that had come before. Death was likely always on the table, yet a selfless sacrifice, serving the good of the world would have felt more align with his character struggle – a man who has always wrestled to put his needs above others.

While notorious for avoiding the expected, a noble sacrifice and solidification of his hero status wasn’t just the ending we all wanted. It was the ending that Jamie Lannister deserved.


Film, TV and gaming enthusiast hailing from the windy realms of the West of Scotland. Lover of sci-fi and expert in expanding my backlog of video games I’ve yet to complete.