8 Things Non-Fans Don't Understand About Doctor Who

6. It's Much Bigger Than Any One Actor, Writer Or Director...

Doctor Who New Earth David Tennant

Doctor Who has been around for nearly six decades now, and in that time, it has seen countless actors, director and writers come and go.

The past and present prestige of those involved with the show is certainly one of the more fascinating parts of what goes on behind the scenes, and while it's certainly exciting to fans to know that a big-name writer like Neil Gaiman has written the latest episode, or that Timothy Dalton appears as Time Lord Rassilon, Doctor Who isn't about one particular writer, director or actor.

The most obvious way in which non-fans will bandy this one about is by stating that the constant recasting of the main character is lazy and essentially revamps the show every few years. In a sense, they aren't entirely wrong. With every regeneration, the Doctor's personality changes somewhat along with the character's fashion sense, the interior decoration of the TARDIS, and even the accent in which the Time Lord speaks.

It has since becoming something of an opportunity for the writers to poke fun at an actors physical appearance or accent, and fans of the show have come to embrace each new incarnation of the character.


Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.