8 Things We Want To See In The Expanse Season 6 (From A Non-Book Reader)

4. The New Martian Faction

The Expanse Season 5
Amazon Studios

The disillusion of Mars has slowly been building since the Ring Gates opened up. Why dedicate your lives to terraforming a planet you'll never see the end result of when you could just find another hospitable planet in an unexplored system. It's a logical and interesting storyline that needs to be explored more in the final season.

Admiral Sauveterre was our main insight into the Martian traitors that deserted their planet but now that he is dead it is unclear how The Expanse will explore this plot further. They have to make another appearance as they are currently in possession of the Protomolecule and the scientist Cortázar which will have a big impact on the final season.

This Martian faction of deserters looking for a 'new Mars' will hopefully get a chance to elaborate on their political and ideological beliefs and we're definitely going to see what they know about the Protomolecule that we don't.

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The Expanse
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Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.