8 Things We Want To See In The Expanse Season 6 (From A Non-Book Reader)

2. What The Protomolecule Has Left To Show

The Expanse Season 5
Amazon Studios

A slight follow up from the previous two entries, the Protomolecule has been a hugely important commodity within the world of the show and although the struggle for Fred Johnson's sample was important in Season Five, we haven't seen the alien substance in action properly since Season Four. That somewhat changed in the Season Five finale when it was revealed that the sample was in the hands of the new Martian faction and that research was being done on it.

After creating human hybrid monsters, dissecting and analysing anything it comes into contact with, fusing with a woman and an asteroid, and creating the much fought over Ring Gates, the Protomolecule has proven to possess many secrets and hidden capabilities over the course of the show. What has it got left to show us it can do in the final season?

In some ways, it may be a risk bringing the Protomolecule back in such a big way as it will be natural to compare it to its previous iterations. Regardless, it is exciting to see how the Protomolecule will round out our time on the show as it has been a point of interest since the very beginning.

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