8 Things We Want To See In The Expanse Season 6 (From A Non-Book Reader)

1. The Alien Beings That Killed The Builders

The Expanse Season 5
Amazon Studios

What killed the builders? The strange alien beings represented by chaotic red energy were the Season Five cliff-hanger as they froze time around the Martian vessel the Barkeith and then quickly erased it from reality.

These creatures have been teased for a couple seasons now, the genocidal beings were revealed to be the destroyers of the Builders and any sign of them was only briefly teased at the end of Season Four. Their part in the final season is currently unknown but it is likely to have a massive impact on the story in one way or another.

Whether we'll get an elaborate explanation for what they are or if they'll just be a threat for humanity to try and survive remains to be seen, but either way, they are by far the most curious and intriguing element heading into this final season. Hopefully they'll manage to live up to the hype the show has generated for them!

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