8 Things You Didn't Know About Marvel's Inhumans

5. Some Say Their Rise In Popularity May Be Strategic

Inhumans Marvel
Marvel Comics

Unless you were a huge fan of the Royal Family, and followed their exploits, not much was known about them. Recently, it seems that there is a conscious effort to push them to the forefront of reader’s minds.

With the term “Inhuman” branching out to include all those born with the gene, we are now seeing Inhuman members of the Avengers, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and New Warriors. Why the sudden change in status quo for the Inhumans? X-Men writer Chris Claremont thinks it’s all part of the plan, a plan his X-Men are no longer a part of.

"So I think the corporate publishing attitude is: 'Why would we go out of our way to promote a title that will benefit a rival corporation’s films when we could take that same energy and enthusiasm and focus and do it for our own properties?' " Claremont explains. "Hence the rise of the Inhumans as the new equivalent of the mutants.”

Are the Inhumans an X-Men replacement? The titles deal with similar issues of belonging and alienation. The two teams even crossed paths in Inhumans Vs X-Men, so maybe Claremont was onto to something, but time will tell.

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I am a veteran of the U.S. Army, comic book fanatic and part-time super hero. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY.