8 TV Love Triangles That Worked (And 3 That Didn't)

2. Meredith, Derek & Addison - Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy

The relationship between Meredith Grey and Derek Shepard was one of television's finest, and by the time the young intern had fallen madly in love with the neurosurgeon, the writers injected a little bit of competition into the mix when Derek's wife Addison turned up at their place of work. It was a perfect shock - especially because we had no idea Derek was still married. What made it even worse was the fact that he had never mentioned this fact to Meredith either, which created a whole other problem in itself. He'd lied to her.

The execution was superb, and Addison came along at just the right time to create trouble for the young lovers. But as Addison became a mainstay of the long-running hospital drama, viewers began to warm to her, realising that she wasn't the cold-hearted witch they'd all presumed her to be. As a result, viewers weren't sure who they wanted Derek to be with. But no matter how hard Derek tried to make things work with his wife, his love for Meredith just wouldn't go away. And, in typical Grey's fashion, things became even more complicated when Meredith started falling for her vet, Finn Dandridge.

Grey's Anatomy has seen many love triangles during its lengthy run, but none have been as memorable as the one that started it all. As TV love triangles go, Derek, Meredith and Addison was one of the greatest we've ever seen


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.