8 TV Reunion Specials We Are Desperate To See

7. Peep Show

Frasier Quiz
Channel 4

When it comes to iconic British TV duos, you'd be crazy not to think of Mark and Jeremy from Peep Show right away. The pair's cringe-worthy antics and dysfunctional chemistry became iconic, as it gave David Mitchell and Robert Webb an easy door to stardom and created one of the most dry-witted TV shows of the last 20 years.

The series that followed these two as they shared a flat and attempted to get on with their life was unique, as it explored the characters inner monologues and had a significant focus on linguistical comedy. This isn't seen too often in the modern TV market, so getting the chance to re-explore this concept with the same characters would be massively appreciated by general audiences and fans.

One thing that David Mitchell and Robert Webb have expressed interest in - and seems perfect - is to revive the show at least 20 years after the series' end, meaning that they're both over 60 years of age.

Seeing Jeremy and Mark doing the same thing in the same flat in their 60s would be a hilarious prospect, or "unbelievably depressing", as Webb stated himself. Still, that's something fans would be more than willing to roll the dice on.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!