8 TV Shows We Already Know Are Coming To An End In 2014
7. True Blood
Is It A Good Thing The Show Is Ending? Yes. End Times:Late Summer After its ubiquitous popularity as the "hip sexy vampire show" died down, True Blood became yet another show on HBO that lacks direction yet still draws audiences due to its gratuitous nudity. Teens and tweens who enjoyed the show got switched over to the more youth-oriented Vampire Diaries, and older audiences were turned off by the increasingly convoluted storylines that went deeper and deeper into the mythology and less into character motivation. The show still averages more viewers than it did in its first season, but it has dropped quite a bit since its high in seasons three and four. Sex sells, but too much sex over a long period of time with little to no plot can drag down a show that is supposedly about its characters. Anna Paquin, Alexander Skarsgard, and Stephen Moyer obviously haven't lost their sex appeal as time has gone on, but (much like old married couples) the audience's desire to see them in the buff has died down. The show is stuck in a quagmire because it needs to continue to be "sexy" in order to draw in curious viewers as well as satiate its core followers, but it also needs to flesh out its characters in a more meaningful way. However, True Blood still has an ardent fanbase yearning to see how Sookie and the gang end up. Who knows, maybe the final season will be a nice return to form.
Bryan Hickman is a WhatCulture contributor residing in Vancouver, British Columbia. Bryan's passions include film, television, basketball, and writing about himself in the third person.