8 TV Shows That Are About To Become Movies

5. Captain Planet And The Planeteers

Luther 4

A Captain Planet movie has been "in the works" since the mid-1990s, when the show's creators wrote a script that just didn't gain any traction. Since then, a movie has been attempted a couple of different times, with the latest failed effort occurring in 2013 over at Sony Pictures.

But it finally looks like things are taking shape. For good. In October 2016, none other than Leonardo DiCaprio signed on to produce the project, with Captain Planet's message about looking after nature and caring for the Earth striking a chord with the environmentally-conscious actor.

Unlike the show, the movie will be quite dark, and will supposedly be set many years after the events of the series, focusing on a washed-up Captain Planet who needs help reigniting his adventurous spark. The script is still being written so the movie is a long way off, but DiCaprio's passion for the project will hopefully see it through to fruition.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.