8 Ways Brooklyn Nine-Nine Could End

7. The Precinct Gets Shut Down

Brooklyn Nine-Nine

It wouldn't be the first time that a popular TV sitcom ended on a sad note.

Sometimes, doing something unexpected and sad can be an interesting way to finish a series off. Taking the audience by surprise and delivering on something out of character wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility with Brooklyn Nine-Nine, as it's a show that is never shy when it comes to tackling difficult moments.

In this scenario, the precinct would be shut down, and the last few episodes could focus on the aftermath that news brings. This shut down could be via the hands of a villainous character, or simply the result of budget cuts, but whatever happened, it would make a great point about governmental funding and would give across the idea of life moving on.

Although it sounds like an overwhelming downer, there could be a lot drawn out of an ending like this. Seeing as each of the characters grieve and come to terms with where they're going now would be fascinating, and we would get a chance to see how much they've grown since the first season.

This ending would genuinely feel like the end of an era, which many finales need.


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