8 Ways Doctor Who Could Actually End

2. A Full-On Reboot

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor regeneration

Though the 2005 revival did feel like a reboot in certain ways, it was still a continuation of the Doctor Who story that began with the First Doctor in 1963.

However, for this entry, we're suggesting a reboot in every sense of the word: a fresh start for the show that ends the current iteration and starts a new one. The overall premise would stay the same, but the story and characters would be entirely different.

While you could argue that there's no need for this to happen - since each regeneration is its own mini-reboot anyway - there's no denying that it's a possibility, especially as the show gets older, and less accessible for newcomers. The sticker shock of having to catch up on 12 series was surely why the BBC opted to call Series 13 "Flux" instead of giving it a number, with the goal being to rope in casual viewers.

So what about in 15 or 20 years time, when the modern episode count is double what it is now? What if the show's lore is so convoluted, long-lasting, and inside baseball, that it's impossible for newbies to catch up? And what if, hypothetically, the show's ratings have completely flatlined, and only the hardcore fans have stuck around? Well, that reboot button might start to look enticing to the BBC.

And hey, if it's a choice between that, or outright, permanent cancellation? We'd take a reboot every single time.

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WhoCulture Channel Manager/Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture. Can confirm that bow ties are cool.