8 Ways Doctor Who Could Actually End

1. The Doctor Actually Dies

Doctor Who David Tennant Tenth Doctor regeneration

On numerous occasions, it's been established that it's possible to kill the Doctor outright - as in, kill them permanently, leaving them without the ability to regenerate.

Laser screwdrivers, drowning, and running out of regenerations are all potential options here, but let's face it, the writers can think up any random method they like, and it doesn't have to make a lick of sense.

Why? Because Doctor Who. That's why.

In all seriousness, the fact that the Doctor isn't invincible means that, one day, they could be killed off. Sure, it wouldn't feel right to end the show on such a miserable note, but bowing out on a heroic death would give Doctor Who a real sense of finality, and hey, if a certain British super-spy can bite the dust in his own franchise, then there's no reason the Doctor can't do the same in theirs.

In fact, over the last few years, many fans have suggested that the Twelfth Doctor's death in The Doctor Falls would've been a fitting final stand for the character, with him dying while trying to protect innocent people from the Cybermen.

While the BBC probably wouldn't want to end the show on such a downer, there's no doubt that killing the Doctor off would be a bold move, and would make for one of the most emotional, iconic moments in the history of television.

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