9 Best 9th Doctor Episodes

The 9 most fantastic tales from The Doctor who brought it all back.

Doctor Who 9th Doctor

The 9th Doctor is back, baby!

The original reboot Doctor has finally returned after a VERY long absence from the franchise for various complicated reasons, to star in 12 new Doctor Who audio dramas. So, there's no better time to discuss the best adventures of his short lived run.

After over 15 years of being off the air, Doctor Who was revived in 2005 by Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner, and Mal Young. By then, Doctor Who had solidified itself as this super niche British serial with wacky lore and rubber suited monsters, so rebooting it properly would take a lot of work.

This era introduced many things current Whovians take for granted: the time war, the psychic paper, the idea of The Doctor having a dark side under his eccentric charm etc. While the Ninth Doctor's era didn't last that long, the episodes we did get before things turned Tennant-y are beloved classics. So, to celebrate the return of Whovians' favourite grizzled, sardonic, banana loving old soldier, here are the absolute best stories from Christopher Eccleston's short but sweet era.

9. The Unquiet Dead

Doctor Who 9th Doctor
BBC Studios

Adventures hopping around space and time are all well and good, but let's face it, we all come to Doctor Who for one thing only: The Doctor dragging some poor sod through history and watching them fumble about the place.

For NuWho's first outing into this part of Doctor Who's world, we find our time travelling weirdo and Rose in 19th century Cardiff, where they come face to face with the one and only Charles Dickens - and wouldn't ya know it, he's dealing with ghosts. At Christmas.

The Davies run's relationship with subtlety is akin to a fleeting kiss as it drives off into the horizon, but it's still a fun time regardless. This is where we're first exposed to the horror element that would become far more prevalent in the Doctor Who reboot - especially after Moffat took over. We'd already seen the aliens of Doctor Who return as far more convincing creature costumes compared to the original serials, so seeing straight up ghosts must have been mind blowing to classic fans.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?