9 Best 9th Doctor Episodes

6. The End Of The World

Doctor Who 9th Doctor
BBC Studios

For Rose's very first adventure, The Doctor decides to take her to the final day of the planet Earth, when the entire planet is about to be eaten up by its expanding sun. With the populace and animals long gone, the universe has no moral qualm with holding a party to watch the planet be consumed. But of course, Rose also learns the first lesson of traveling with The Doctor on this journey: there is ALWAYS something sneaky going on behind the scenes.

Case in point, Rose comes across the so-called "last human", a woman named Cassandra who, in an effort to remain "pure", has allowed her body to waste away until she is what rose hilariously describes as a "b*tchy trampoline". Cassandra is easily one of the most memorable villains of the Davies era - mostly for her truly hilarious appearance in the first Tennant series - but in fairness, she's still a lot of fun here.

This was about as perfect a first adventure with The Doctor as they could have made for the new show. It hints at what The Doctor had been up to, culminating in him dropping the redefining twist of him being the last Time Lord, there's plenty of characterization for Rose, and it's just a ton of fun all around.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?