9 Big Questions After F Is For Family Season 3

5. Will Maureen Get An A-Plot Storyline?

F is For Family

Maureen is a great character, but just think back to the major plot points of Season 3. Now take Maureen out. What’s changed?

Okay, technically Bill would still be in the river, but that scene was clearly written so there’d be a payoff for her Hobo Jojo plotline. She spends the season complaining about being ignored, so maybe her minor role is a meta-commentary on that. Usually, she’s a symbol for how much little girls are (were? Are we at a place where we can say were yet? Probably not) held back from ambitions by their gender. This time around, a weird clown cheats her out of some toys.

Maybe with Frank’s dad around, there’ll be even more sexist put-downs for her to endure. Perhaps she’ll bite back harder, and we’ll see her achieve something worthwhile. Frank might even be on her side for once.

The whole season she’s worried about the baby coming, but in Season 4 it’ll actually arrive. What will happen when it does? Will Maureen really be pushed aside? Or will this give her even more independence and see her follow through on her lofty aspirations?


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)