9 Big Questions After F Is For Family Season 3

4. What Will Happen To Nguyen Nguyen?

F is For Family

Nguyen Nguyen was one of the major characters introduced in Season 3, but events at the end left her fate for the following season up in the air. After being arrested for poisoning her husband, she freely admits to it while thanking Sue for being the only one to realise what Chet was really like.

The viewers have sympathy with her because a) he was a dirtbag and b) she was a great character. She was a brilliant example of how to write a character defined by her race without coming off as racist or punching down. Considering she’s an Asian woman in the 70s and her husband is a war hero though, the authorities will likely be less kind to her.

She mentions being a survivor several times through Season 3, and has survived both the burning of her village and her marriage to Chet with nary a scratch. Odds are she’ll come through this cleanly too.

Though Sue will have a baby to contend with in Season 4 (more on that soon), she’s a very tenacious woman. Having been proven right about Chet, it’s unlikely she’ll step aside now in Nguyen Nguyen’s hour of need.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)