9 Big Questions After F Is For Family Season 3

3. Why Did Chet Do Everything?

F is For Family

Just... why? Jealousy? PTSD? Another mental disorder? Just generally being an ass? Why?!

From the moment Chet took Frank up in his jet (explored in the Top 15 Animated Moments Of 2018), you could tell something wasn’t right with him. Encouraging Frank to cheat on Sue is one thing, but his wife is literally a prison of war so the fact he doesn’t take his vows seriously isn’t very surprising.

When we see him shed a single tear, we might even feel sorry for him. He’s clearly very unfulfilled by his marriage, maybe even by his life. Who knows what he saw in the war? But that sympathy quickly goes out of the window when we see him admonishing Nguyen Nguyen. While he’s never physical with her, the way he gives her orders and punishments sounds more like a father and daughter. Maybe even a private and a commanding officer. It’s uncomfortable, to say the least.

Does he simply not like Sue for calling him out on it? Or was he just so annoyed when Frank turned out to have a better marriage? Chet’s ending in hospital with Frank was ambiguous at best. If he pulls through, maybe we’ll see his true motivation.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)