9 Big Questions After F Is For Family Season 3

2. What Will Happen When The Baby Arrives?

F is For Family

The whole season revolved around Sue’s pregnancy and prep for the baby. As the 10 episode run wore on, it became more apparent that the birth itself was either being saved for next season or for the finale. In the end, Bill’s runaway attempt provided a bookend for the season. The show was about to close on a happy note with them all watching home movies again, before a taxi pulled up outside...

More on that very soon, but for now it means the baby is still an unknown quantity. We don’t know if it’ll even be a boy or a girl, or how it’ll change the Murphys’ life. Thanks to Chet, it barely even has a place to sleep.

What we do know is, it’ll cause chaos. And that’s not something the Murphy household is short on to begin with. Will it be a chaos that rips the family apart, or pulls them together? Will Sue’s dreams be put on ice (maybe permanently), or will she continue to struggle on?

Whatever happens, the baby provides a shakeup that most animated sitcoms featuring families rarely get.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)