9 Big Questions After F Is For Family Season 3

1. What Will Happen When Frank’s Dad Arrives?

F is For Family

While the baby will undoubtedly cause tension in a house already filled with friction, there’s a good chance the baby will be mostly predictable. It’ll take attention away from the other kids, it’ll be expensive, it’ll stop Sue and Frank from sleeping, etc.

Frank’s dad, meanwhile, is a much bigger wildcard. Frank’s story of his childhood trauma was touching, even if it was ruined slightly by the promos. Kevin sleeping through it definitely undercut the treacle, but it was still a side of Frank scarcely seen. The fact his dad addresses his note to Francine seals the deal that he’ll undermine Frank at every turn.

Frank clearly loves his family, as proved by his screamed last words when Chet fools him in the jet. However, he’s pretty awful to them at times, especially Kevin. It’ll be interesting to see how this changes with his dad on the scene.

On the one hand, his dad and a new baby will only make him more stressed. On the other, he’s admitted that he never wanted to be like his dad. If his dad bullies the kids the way he bullied Frank, we might even see him leap to his children’s defence.

What questions did F Is For Family Season 3 leave you with? Let us know down in the comments.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)