9 Doctor Who Big Finish Releases You Should Be Excited For In 2021

5. The War Doctor Begins

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Big Finish

Sadly in 2017 we lost the marvellous Sir John Hurt, and so any future War Doctor stories at Big Finish had to be put on hold. Cut to four years later and we are getting Johnathan Carley taking up the mantle of the War Doctor.

Carley has proved his quality as the gruff Time War incarnation in various projects, including a special adventure released during a 2020 Lockdown Who watch-along.

The stories are set to take place right after the Night of the Doctor and so will really allow us to discover an untouched part of the War Doctor's life. When we've met him in other adventures, the War Doctor has been fighting the Time War for a very long time.

It must be remembered that when McGann regenerates into Hurt, the face we see is not that of an old man, but a younger one, which shows us just how long this fight has gone on.

Details on this release are still few at the moment, but that's no reason not to be excited. Carley's performance is said to be a fitting tribute and carries Hurt's legacy wonderfully, so these stories truly sound like something to be excited for.

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