9 Doctor Who Big Finish Releases You Should Be Excited For In 2021

4. The Eleven

doctor who dalek
BBC / Big Finish

As mentioned, Big Finish announce new releases all the time, and it was half way through writing this list that this one has been announced. But to a Big Finish fan this is very exciting and so slips into the fourth spot.

Due for release in September, Doctor Who: The Eleven will see the return of the Eleven (Mark Bonnar) and his new companion, Miskavel, played by Lucy Gaskell, as they go up against the Sixth Doctor and Constance Clarke.

The Eleven is a massively popular character among Big Finish fans, who last saw him in Dark Universe last January. The character is a renegade Time Lord, who suffers from a condition which causes all previous incarnations to be active inside his mind. To see him go up against a different incarnation of the Doctor will surely be a treat.

Lucy Gaskell may be a familiar name to Who fan's knowing her for playing Kathy Nightingale in Blink, as well as being married to Bonnar.

According to the news announcement this will be the Doctor's greatest threat yet...

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