9 Game Of Thrones Characters Who Need Spin-Off Shows

2. Tyrion Lannister

Game Of Thrones Tyrion

One of the series' strongest and most popular characters, we last saw Tyrion Lannister take up his second post as Hand of the King for the newly anointed Brandon ‘the Broken’ Stark. However, providing Bran with the seat on the Iron Throne seems to have been the single most disappointing decision the show ran with in the final episode.

This was a hugely unpopular choice among fans, as Bran was seen as one of the weakest characters in the show, despite his story of becoming the Three Eyed Raven Beyond the Wall and a key figure in the final fight against the White Walkers. Still, a return to exploring what happens next in the politically-charged Kings Landing could well be intriguing were it to focus on Tyrion’s role as Hand as he tries to keep control in the capital whilst dealing with the possible unrest and challenges the King may face during his reign.

Tyrion would also have his own mental struggles to deal with as the one remaining Lannister, following the deaths of Jaime and Cersei in the penultimate episode, and as he comes to terms with the events of his past. After House Lannister had stolen the throne for themselves and ruled for a number of years, Tyrion will be a polarising figure in Kings Landing; despised by many, but always with the wit, charm and cunning for survival, as he showed time and time again throughout the series.


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