9 Nu-Who Cybermen Stories Ranked

9. Closing Time

Closing Time is a prime example of the Cybermen being included in a story to keep the budget low. The Cybermen costumes were already in storage so not much in terms of threat was needed to be created for this story. Not that much threat was included anyway. The Cybermen only fleetingly appear several times as they bizarrely attempt to take over the world by using a shop as a masquerade. They were utilised extremely poorly and were probably only added because Craig Owen€™s last appearance was panned due to a lack of a threat. All of this could be forgiven, of course, had love not conquered the Cybermen. Never in the preceding years had such a rubbish conclusion been given to defeat these silver menaces. Quite why it works now nobody knows. The viewers are expected to believe that Craig, and Craig alone, loves his son more than any other converted human on the planet. Well not many viewers did accept it, and Closing Time is generally regarded as a wasted opportunity.
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English Language and Literature graduate. Creative Writing student. Aspiring creative and professional writer.