9 Nu-Who Cybermen Stories Ranked

6. The Pandorica Opens

Now the good stuff. Like the preceding stories the Cybermen are out-shadowed here by the many returning threats, but the lone Cyberman beneath Stonehenge is used extremely efficiently. In this swashbuckling scene viewers were finally able to glimpse inside of the Cybermen€™s helmets - and found out that they housed a skull. But the half-destroyed Cyberman here proved more powerful than most of their other appearances. The helmet attempted to kill Amy by snapping her head in its vice and strangling her with its snakelike chords. The scene may have been short, and Rory may have been able to destroy it by impaling it with a sword, but at least they became scary again. Even if it was only for a few minutes. They appeared again at the end of the episode (as did pretty much every monster in the new series) and again in the following episode - as a stone statue. Doing nothing. Once more.
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English Language and Literature graduate. Creative Writing student. Aspiring creative and professional writer.