9 Nu-Who Cybermen Stories Ranked

4. Army Of Ghosts / Doomsday

As thrilling as the war between the Cybermen and the Daleks was, a better outcome would have been to see these two armies join forces. Then the Doctor would have been in real trouble. The highlight of this story is surely the millions of ghosts turning into Cybermen as the silver army took over the world. Here the Cybermen were also able to deliver sass to the Daleks, partly convert several Torchwood employees, and be all round an intimidating presence. The war between the Daleks and the Cybermen was rather poorly executed on screens, but that can be forgiven due to the show's limited budget. What was shown was still impressive, even if the Cybermen were defeated rather easily. The return of the Cybermen and the Daleks only really served to draw Rose from Earth and thus cut her off completely from the Doctor but at least both races were employed masterfully. Here they appeared to be a proper threat to the human race.
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English Language and Literature graduate. Creative Writing student. Aspiring creative and professional writer.