9 Nu-Who Cybermen Stories Ranked

2. Dark Water / Death In Heaven

Once more the Cybermen became secondary to the malevolent Mistress, but they did become creepily chilling once more. Definitively so. The Cyber-tombs were used again here to house the Cybermen who were given the ability to convert the dead, producing some effective shots of silver hands bursting from graves. Admittedly the Cybermen did become zombie-like here and thus rendered pointless, and love managed to defeat the Cybermen again, but all of this can be forgiven due to how they were used throughout the episode. The body of Danny Pink rising as a Cybermen was chilling; the Cybermen€™s ability to fly and attack the Valiant was thrilling; and the Cybermen once more descending from Saint Paul's was spine-tingling. Had they been the primary focus Dark Water and Death In Heaven probably would have become their definitive new Doctor Who story. But their secondary appearance can be forgiven because of how brilliant Missy was. Hopefully she€™ll return to torment the Doctor again.
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English Language and Literature graduate. Creative Writing student. Aspiring creative and professional writer.