9 Reasons To Be Hyped For Star Trek Discovery

6. Some Excellent Franchise Veterans Are Involved

Star Trek Discovery
Paramount Television / Showtime

Discovery is the brainchild of Bryan Fuller, who cut his teeth as a writer penning episodes for Deep Space Line and Voyager. His scripts were noticeably character-focused - he didn't just make bang, crash, wallop episodes - which bodes well for Discovery. Space battles are all well and good, but there needs to be interesting individuals on the screen to get viewers hooked.

To help turn Fuller's concepts into scripts, the powers that be brought in an utter Trek legend: Nicholas Meyer, who provided the screenplay for the seminal Star Trek cinematic spectacular The Wrath Of Khan, before returning for the comedic Whale-focused entry The Voyage Home and the Shakespeare-tinged Klingon bust-up The Undiscovered Country.

Meyer can do funny Star Trek, tragic Star Trek, character-driven Star Trek and action-packed Star Trek, making his involvement here as a writer very exciting indeed. If Discovery can merge the differing tones of the franchise's vast history into a cohesive whole, it could be a really special series.

Admittedly, a lot of the heavy lifting will fall to Trek virgins Gretchen J. Berg and Aaron Harberts, who are serving as Discovery's showrunners. Hopefully the guiding hands of Fuller and Meyer will ensure they serve up something great.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.