9 Star Trek Characters Who Deserve A Spin-Off Series

7. Grand Nagus Rom

Rachel Garrett Star Trek

The lightest entry on this list, a Grand Nagus Rom series would make for a quirky workplace dramedy. It would balance exploring serious themes such as workers rights, income inequality, and resource management with the humor and satire of capitalism associated with stories about the Ferengi.

It would follow Quark's brother Rom as he takes the reins of the Ferengi Alliance as the Grand Nagus and leads it toward the more equitable future Rom and Quark's mother dreamed of.

As Grand Nagus, Rom would be forced to reconcile his own ideals, shaped by his time working with humans, Bajorans, and other species on Deep Space Nine, with the capitalistic traditions of Ferengi culture. During the course of the series he would face opposition from traditionally minded Ferengi businessmen, the machinations of his political rivals, and even violence from those fanatically devoted to Ferengi tradition.

Another major source of conflict in the series would be the deeply thoughtful and sensitive Rom struggling with his emotions about the death of his son, Nog, the First Ferengi in Starfleet, while maintaining the facade of a wise, just, and appropriately capitalistic Ferengi leader.

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Frank Chavez is a freelance writer, playwright, and screenwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. They live in the Census Designated Place outside the small city, outside of Oakland with their wife and numerous cats.