9 Star Trek Characters Who Deserve A Spin-Off Series

3. Miles O'Brien

Rachel Garrett Star Trek

The unofficial motto of Star Trek Deep Space Nine's writers was, "O'Brien must suffer." During the course of the series, the writers lived up to that motto on more than one occasion as Senior Chief Petty Officer Miles Edward O'Brien was subject to such indignities as being imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, forced to aid a Pah-wraith in their scheme to destroy the wormhole aliens, and put on public show trial by the Cardassians.

When Star Trek fans last saw Chief O'Brien on the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine finale, he was telling Dr. Julian Bashir about his plans to leave all the misery behind by returning to Earth and taking a teaching position at Starfleet Academy.

The O'Brien series, a mashup between a domestic drama and a MacGyver-style adventure, would follow two main story lines. One story would follow Chief O'Brien and Keiko as they pursue the comfortable routine of academics. The other would see their two grown children, Molly and Kirayoshi, as they struggle with defining their adult lives away from a space station.

However, when O'Brien and his students help prevent the disastrous crash of a derelict spaceship, O'Brien would begin a new career as he and a team of his best students help the Federation prevent technological disasters across the quadrant. This would lead to conflicts with his family as Keiko and the children see O' Brien falling back into the kind of life they thought he had left behind.

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Frank Chavez is a freelance writer, playwright, and screenwriter from the San Francisco Bay Area. They live in the Census Designated Place outside the small city, outside of Oakland with their wife and numerous cats.