9 Times Danny Dyer Was The Funniest Man Alive

3. When He Met Some Deadly Men

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttMob_QirKQ Danny Dyer is a rock solid geezer. You don€™t mess with the Dyer, no sir, not unless you want to go home in a cockney ambulance that is. To prove how nails he is, our hero decided to hang out with some other hard nutters for his Bravo TV series, Danny Dyer€™s Deadliest Men. Some of the completely deadly geezers he knocked about with included football hooligans, a bare-knuckle boxer, a drug smuggler, and a former UDA paramilitary member. The latter balled his eyes out on camera remembering how his best mate nearly got bumped off at a UB40 concert. At one point Danny got punched in the face, and was none too happy about it. Trouble was, it was an ex-squaddie and martial arts expert who€™d tried to spark him out, and you can€™t hit someone like that back, not even if you€™re Danny Dyer. Throughout the show€™s 14 episodes, Danny does his best to look composed and nonchalant, while quite clearly being seconds from a full-on pant-soiling incident. Imagine Louis Theroux being directed by Guy Ritchie on a budget of £4.50 and you€™re in the right ballpark.
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Danny Dyer
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A man who writes things.