9 Times Danny Dyer Was The Funniest Man Alive

2. When He Joined Twitter

In the pantheon of great but weird tweeters, Danny Dyer is firmly up there with the best. Forget Cher or Yoko Ono, and don€™t even get us started on Gerry Adams - Danny rules the twittersphere with his hilarious flights of fancy and expletive-ridden rants. On Twitter, our hero has called ducks €œarrogant pricks€, torn Katie Hopkins a new one on more than one occasion, and been swearily hilarious about the Jeremy Kyle Show. But the absolute pinnacle of his social media came on the eve of the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks in New York. Most people would choose a sombre, reflective tone, but not Danny. He went for something far more esoteric and Dyer-esque. There are really no words other than Danny€™s themselves that can do justice to this incredible episode in our recent popular culture, so we€™ll leave you to marvel in the joyousness of the man himself:
€œCan€™t believe it€™s been nearly 11 years since them slags smashed into the twin towers it still freaks my nut out to this day€
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Danny Dyer
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A man who writes things.