9 Totally Stupid Things That Doctor Who Fans Say

7. "Bring Back Russell T Davies!"

Anigif Enhanced Buzz 19405 1366306285 0 Gif No, because he's off living a life, day after day, on the one adventure Doctor Who can never have. Or something like that, anyway. Kudos if you picked up on the Doomsday quote there, by the way! But seriously. It's been 5 whole years since Russell T Davies left, which means that it's seriously time to move on. Yes, his tenure as showrunner was generally unbeatable and there are a lot of fans out there who would argue that the new series reached its narrative peak in 2008 with the image of the Tenth Doctor and his coveted companions flying planet Earth home. We watched, we laughed and we cried, though (and then cried some more... OK, we're still crying!), because that's just what Russell T Davies' Doctor Who was all about. It never made 100% sense but the characters were so damned loveable that nobody cared. That's Doctor Who in a timey-wimey nutshell, really, and Russell excelled in each and every department. It was powerful stuff, man. But times change, and so must the longest running sci-fi series in the world. Rather annoyingly, most of these 'fans' who are still harping on about Russell haven't even been keeping up with his post-Who career. He wrote the recent - and rather brilliant - drama Cucumber for Channel 4 but you probably didn't know that because you're too busy trolling social media about how you rue the day he handed over the Who reigns to Steven Moffat. Seriously. Build a bridge.
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Doctor Who Editor
Doctor Who Editor

Dan Butler is the Doctor Who Editor at WhatCulture.com. When he isn't writing his own articles or editing other people's, he can be found trawling the internet for gifs of Steven Moffat laughing. Contact him via dan.butler@whatculture.co.uk.