9 Upcoming 2016 TV Shows That Are Already Doomed To Fail

8. Bordertown

Stereotypical, racist humour in 2015 €“ what can go wrong? Animated show Bordertown is created by Family Guy writer Mark Hentemann and executive-produced by Seth MacFarlane. It tells the story of two families living on the United States/Mexico border. A quick look at the trailer is all you need to determine this show's fate. Forgetting the fact that Seth McFarland hasn't really been involved in the creation of a new, successful animated show since American Dad! (The Cleveland Show managed to struggle on for four seasons despite fan and critical negativity by virtue of it being a Family Guy spin-off) it just doesn't look that funny. In fact, the show looks like all the worst parts of Family Guy, with dumb, racist humour and fart gags. When the official trailer for your TV show has more than seventy-five percent dislikes on YouTube before the show has even aired, you know things aren't going to go well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjXjqC-1Kvg

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.