9 Ups & NO Downs From Star Trek: Lower Decks 5.9 - Fissure Quest

9. LATINUM UP — Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jooooleeeeene!

Star Trek Lower Decks Fissure Quest Anaximander
CBS Media Ventures

We just had to sing that from the rooftops! Credited simply as "Jolene," Jolene Blalock had returned to Star Trek after nearly 20 years. The alternate Ensign Mariner summarised our delighted but utter surprise: "Boims, I think that's T'Pol!" YES! YES, IT IS!

There will be more on this (and from Ms. Parton) in our list of the 'Greatest Star Trek Moments in 2024' (spoiler alert for that, but how could we not!!). Suffice it to say, here, that Blalock had stepped away from the franchise for quite some time, and not without entirely good reason. That had never stopped fans wanting and waiting to see T'Pol again.

What seemed like an improbability was made jaw-droppingly, boldly concrete in the opener to Fissure Quest, Captain Boimler's log — "Stardate, uh, confidential" — still ringing in our ears. T'Pol — or at least an alternate version of her — was back. Just as important, T'Pol was back with a story worthy of her return. We're not likely to forget the pre-credit sequence, but the rest of the episode was also a triumph for the Vulcan, for the actress. Even Mr. Tucker got a mention. "I know sarcasm when I hear it."

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.