9 Worst TV Show Fake-Out Deaths

8. Sara Tancredi's Fake Head - Prison Break

Prison Break Sara Head In Box

The whole Sara Tancredi death and resurrection saga is pretty bizarre. It started in season three when the actress playing Sara got into a contract dispute with the network producing Prison Break. When it couldn't be settled, they decided to kill her character.

Thus, Sara’s head was sent to love interest Michael after he failed a task. The fanbase didn’t take this abrupt demise well, but it sure lit a fire under Michael for the rest of the season. Just when the audience had adjusted to her exit it was announced she wasn’t dead after all, with the villains having faked her death to punish Michael.

There was clearly some weird shenanigans going on behind the scenes during this period, since Sara’s death was clearly meant to be permanent. Her unlikely comeback hurt the already shaky reputation of the show, which was canned soon after.

Interestingly Michael himself died in the final episode, only for an upcoming revival series to break him back too; death isn't that big a deal on this show.

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Prison Break
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Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.