Agent Carter: 10 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References

6. Jarvis' American Accent

Agent Carter Easter Eggs
Marvel Studios

Also in the same episode, there is arguably another easily-missed nod to something from the comics. In this case, a small character detail...

Peggy's partner in crime throughout the series is Howard Stark's faithful English butler, Edwin Jarvis. The character is lifted straight from the Iron Man comics - he, of course, previously inspired Tony Stark's AI JARVIS - but for one crucial difference. In the comics, he is actually American but began to use an English accent during the war. Unless that is a revelation yet to come, it seems the show's Jarvis is 100% British.

In Time And Tide, however, Jarvis calls the SSR to alert them about Stark's stolen weaponry with a false, American, voice. This is perhaps a fun reference to Jarvis' true nationality in the comics... or maybe it's just James D'Arcy testing his vocal range and we're reading into it too much.


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